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Train the trainees - Train future trainers in radi...
Κατηγορίες μαθημάτων:
Ιοντίζουσες ακτινοβολίες
Μη ιοντίζουσες ακτινοβολίες
ERASMUS+ / Blended Learning in Radiation Protection and Radioecology
ERASMUS+ / Train the trainees - Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology
ERASMUS+ / Train the trainees - Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology / Administration
ERASMUS+ / Train the trainees - Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology / O1 - Methodological Approach
ERASMUS+ / Train the trainees - Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology / O2 Development of pretraining activities
ERASMUS+ / Train the trainees - Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology / O3-O4-O5 Pre-training + training schools
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Αναζήτηση μαθημάτων:
Σύμπτυξη όλων
O1 - Methodological Approach
O2 Development of pretraining activities
O3-O4-O5 Pre-training + training schools